Membership Options
Helping you relax - repair - recharge
Choose your own membership plan from any of the following options available:
Key hire ($35) is required for 24/7 gym membership option. Gym Members with either silver, gold or diamond levels can add-on additional sessions, please refer to ' Adds-ons' below.
Class membership does not include the 24/hr gym and add-on options but includes the use of eirther our pool or stduio classes. (See weekly timetable for classes)
Our Add-on options include the use of the: Sauna, Leisure Swim (30min), Aqua/Studio Class and or Gym Sessions.
Theses add-ons are able to be varied from week to week so you can mix match to suit your preference in the silver, gold or diamond gym options.
Bronze Membership – 24/hr Gym Access OR 2 x Weekly Classes, Starting from $16 per week, that's $8 classes.
Silver Membership – 24/hr Gym Access +3 Add-ons OR 5 x Weekly Classes Starting from $22.35 per week, that's $4.47 a CLASS.
Gold Membership – 24/hr Gym Access +5 Add-ons OR 6 x Weekly Classes Starting from $26.75 week, for ONLY $4.45 a CLASS.
*Upfront Membership options are available in 3, 6 &12 month blocks.
*Concessions (aged and disability) prices are available to all our UPFRONT memberships.
(i) STUDIO CLASSES:Wellness, strength training and cardio classes are offered in the intimate surrounds of our private aerobic studio, where you can exercise in air-conditioned comfort on cushioned flooring.
(ii) POOL CLASSES–Using a range of equipment enjoy the weightless, warm environment of our heated pool. Get the heart rate up, work the core and improve your balance and tone and strengthen your muscles. The resistance of the water makes your workout just that bit more challenging.
(iii) GYM OPTION– Workout at your own time and pace and enjoy an independent training session utilizing state of the art cardio and strength training equipment in our fully equipped boutique gym.
(iv) POOL OPTION- Relax in the tranquility of our 34° ozonated pool for a wonderful 30 minute leisure swim. Our pool water is constantly filtered and purified by ozone, thus reducing the need for harsh additives like chlorine.
(vI) SAUNA OPTION- Our infrared sauna is a great way to help flush out toxins, relaxes muscles and helps eliminate shoulder, neck or back pain and rejuvenate the body. Infra red rays enter the body and convert into energy
which stimulates the body tissues, this helps your body to change fat cells into sweat. Listen to music or read while you soothe and relax your body.
(vii) 24/7 GYM* and 1 hr SWIM&SAUNA- can be elected as a session constituting 2 add-ons. +24/7 gym is FIXED option and cannot varied.
See 'Lap Swimming Link'
Wynyard Fitness offers both up front and direct debit payment options. Call in and pick up a Members and a Prices Brochure.